Thursday, February 4, 2010

Artist vs Art

So... I have been checking out a bunch of other artists online and watching so many vids and learning about so many new things - That I just have been feeling a lil bit overwhelmed by it all. 

I have been looking for a new way of making the artwork I want and trying a few things. I just have been feeling a lil overpowered by all the ideas and work that I want to make but then can't seem to figure out how to make it look the way I want... and so I feel like I am loosing this fight with the artwork. Some days it is good and "we" are getting along seeing eye to eye and others - nothing I do is good enough -HAHAHA... I feel like I am learning more and will be able to incorporate these different lil things... but in looking in my minds eye of the IDEA of this new finished work.... I just don't see how to put all these PARTS and IDEAS together into ONE finished piece that isn't going to look or feel too busy. So it has been really hard to feel like I am making progress... 

I was getting really frustrated and DOWN about it.... but then it hit me that THIS struggle is the ART of what I am creating... It is the dialog between me and the artwork... It is the process and the creative aspect that I love in the design of what I create. When I remembered that then it made it not as hard.... even a lil encouraging... but just a LIL encouraging!  - hahaha

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