Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Use What You Got!

In the past few weeks I have been looking for a new way of doing the artwork I want to create... and then I decided that it is important to use up the things that "I have" VS continuing to STORE these different things that I find or buy or have been bought for me....   I seem to acquire art supplies or stuff that I have partly used but then I have "left overs" or art supplies that I might "someday" use. I think that I just want to see about USING them... taking what i have and making something of it VS wanting something that I don't have and struggling to create something without it... 

Part of this is just for me to appreciate the things that I have and use them!!! I am ALWAYS thinking about how I might need them or want them for this or that down the road... but I am really trying to take advantage of what I HAVE - put it to whatever use I can in the here and NOW!  And so far it has been kinda cool... because I feel like I am CLEANING my storage space in some ways and in others it is just nice to have a change of focus... not to be focusing on SAVING for when i might NEED it...(like NORMAL) but putting it to SOME use - ANY use now and not feeling BAD about how I might WASTE it on some art piece that I might not like later... or might ruin. 

That is ALWAYS a hard thing for me!!! Because if I am going to make something then I like to know what it is going to be like and IF I can do it BEFORE I ever start.... and ONCE I do start then if it changes then OK... but I just have a big hang up about not wasting my materials or time in doing something... I just like it done the way I DESIRE or see it in my minds eye! .... or I am fine with waiting till it can be... SO I guess I am trying to change that somewhat .... and live in the today some. 

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