Over the past few years I have worked with many models shooting artistic nudes in nature. It has been a cool adventure and I've created with the models some amazing photographs and other artwork from the shoots.
In that time I have had many models that had never shot nudes before shoot nudes with me. I wouldn't want to encourage models to shoot nudes with just anyone - They really should consider it, and the body of the photographers work before doing it. And I'd advise models never to shoot nudes if it a spur of the moment idea, because they really should do it only after much thought. Most of the models I have talked to say that they always wanted to try it, but have been a little afraid of going thru with it.
So in the past few years, I've had some that "wanted" to shoot nudes, but then canceled or flaked last minute.... But actually, most who I have set up a shoot with-- have gone thru with it. And have told me how they were a lil scared before the shoot started... but then seconds after I start shooting - forget that they are nude / feel like it was not that different then being clothed. One model told me that it was like she was shooting in an invisible bikini. Many have told me that they have felt empowered, free, beautiful, liberated, and such. I've had some models realize that they have a way better figure and look then they realized. Older models and models that have had kids have told me that they wish that they would have shot some nudes when they were younger. Sure there was things about their bodies that they did not like when they were younger, but as they got older then those issues still bothered them -- along with newer body issues. So they wished that they could have the shots of their younger figures to look back on when they are older. These conversations caused me to think about this project.
Recently I decided that I'd add to my 3 Parts Series Project -- I'm still working out the details but I think that I will ask my models before they shoot with me to write a lil how they feel and their thoughts, fears, excitement, hope and such - before they shoot with me... and then write about the experience of shooting nudes after (positive or negative)... and then I'd post it here. My thought is that it would do kinda 3 things: 1. It would allow others models to kinda get a MODELS perspective on shooting nudes. 2. It would (hopefully) allow me as photographer to get some encouragement and inspiration from reading how my models have felt more accepted, beautiful, empowered, encouraged... -- all kinda stuff that I desire to portray and emote in the photographs - but now in their own words too. 3. I kinda like the idea of giving the models themselves a VOICE and not just an image... Perhaps it will bring more to the images while expressing a part of their own personal character and thoughts to this series.
So the plan is to start adding their comments/ essays to my blog. (posting links below)
Models Responses # 1-3
Models Responses #4 (EW)
Model Responses #5 (Laura)
Models Responses #6 (SW)
Models Responses #7 (Melodye Joy)
Models Responses #8 (Amanda H)
Do not copy or use any of the text here or herein without written consent. © Copyright 2013 Howard Hill. All Rights Reserved