Sunday, February 28, 2010

Actions Conversations & Intersections

Day 2 was just as great! - Last night I was thinking about what I might create from the items that were there in the gallery... I had an idea of a large ballerina - but then after getting to the gallery I just really liked the old chair that would have to be broken apart.... plus Patricia had this great piece of fabric that was so perfect for the seat cover! So I worked on other things and had a great time! The following are some of the art pieces that I had created for this show - A while back I had found a bunch of drawers that someone tossed behind a store instead of throwing them away a lil at a time. I reclaimed them and took the outside wood fronts off, patched up the handle holes, and used them to paint on. Then attached a hook on the back to hang them on the wall. -- I have plans for artwork I want to create from the rest of the wood from the drawers.

Do not copy or use any of the images here or herein without written consent. © Copyright 2003-2010 Le Storia Arts. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Actions Conversations & Intersections

It was a great day at the gallery - They had a bunch of different projects going on at the same time, all of which was very cool! Today Patricia and I worked on making a bike rack out of old metal chairs, and then took part of a foot board of a bed and the rest of the chairs and made a nice bench out of it. We ended up using the bench as we worked on other pieces there in the gallery. Here are some images: 

Do not copy or use any of the images here or herein without written consent. © Copyright 2003-2010 Le Storia Arts. All Rights Reserved

Friday, February 26, 2010

LA Municipal Art Gallery

This Saturday and Sunday UPCYCLING at the LA Municipal Art Gallery!!! 
Patricia Zambrano - and myself will be hosting the up cycling project for the Actions Conversations & Interactions exhibition. It is FREE to the public and all are welcome to participate in making something NEW out of items that have been left out on the streets.

Do not copy or use any of the images here or herein without written consent. © Copyright 2003-2010 Le Storia Arts. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Screen Printing sketching- Update

This is the ONE cut design that I had mentioned the other day -- the whole thing is ONE connected "shape" - cut out to form a portrait.   ... BUT I got anxious and took the original sketch cut it and spray painted it just to see what the print will look like... The possibilities of everything that you can do with a single cut out is kinda cool to think about... 

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Spray Paint or Deodorant??

Funny lil thing happened to me today... I was in a hurry and had been spray painting - brought everything in and put it down on my desk - then was in a rush to get dressed and leave... I put on a new shirt and reached to grab the spray deodorant and AS I WAS SPRAYING IT ON.... It hit me... ??? Which can did I grab.... they were both the same size and BOTH on the desk - I hadn't LOOKED at the can when I grabbed it.... hahaha BUT lucky for me it was the right one! 

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Screen Printing sketching

I had decided that I would take an art class this semester - But then the registration day snuck up on me. I had been really busy and had three different classes I was not sure of which I really wanted to take - SO I signed up for 3 -hahaha. A screen printing class, alternative photography, and a relief printmaking class too...  I decided to go to all 3 classes and THEN decide... and I began to really consider taking ALL 3!!! (Plus a math class I HAVE to take.) -- I have not decided what is best for me to do... but they ALL look so cool!!! 

I have been sitting here tonight sketching some screen print designs - and it is just so COOL! - Part of me feels uninterested in it... because of everything else that I am working on and because I am already working on stencils.... but what I find really cool about what the teacher asked us to do is to create a simple ONE cut image. The teacher had cut out an outline of a bird - and it was just so simple yet detailed and beautiful. He asked us to sketch out something simple - a snail, palm tree, spray can - just to start off with.... 

Tonight I sat here looking at one of my stencils and then had an idea of making a face out of ONE continuous cut out piece - It is soooo cool to think that it is just one piece cut out of the paper... it almost doesn't seem like it could be "one" shape! I just find it so cool and interesting. Much less that I can then cut out other lil shapes out and have a super detailed ONE stencil piece... Kinda makes me excited to "try" things.... the challenge....

- HAHAHA -- it is totally the PROCESS 

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Done a bunch so far in 2010

I have been a lil down because as much as I try to do artwork I have been struggling to feel like I am getting things DONE! Or done as fast as I want... And then the struggle to figure out how to make things come out the way I see it in my head has been kinda hard -- So it has been making me feel a bit disappointed...   It is taking longer then I would like - and I typically work on multiple things at the same time - overlapping projects. So unless I really do a bunch of work on something or finish a piece... I don't really feel like I have had a productive day. I have had to remind myself that learning HOW to do something or trying things out IS "doing" something - is a form of productivity. It also IS what is needed to finish a project... 

Really it is just that I want to do so much and I feel like I am not getting things done as fast as I would like... But then today it hit me that it hasn't even been 2 months and I have done a bunch of photo shoots + editing them, digital artwork, started some assemblage work, a couple of paintings, a few stencils, and have been checking out a bunch of things/ experimenting with a lil this and that...  So although I wish that I could be doing MORE... HAHAHA... I guess I really HAVE done a bunch so far in 2010! 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Started Stenciling

In working with the paintings I was having a hard time knowing what I was going to paint on the layers.... I did a few things that just ruined my layers by painting figures on the - I kinda liked the abstracted painted layers by it self... but still fet like it needed MORE.. but then just went a lil over board... I have felt that it is such a thin line... so it makes me feel really pressured when I create a great set of layers and then I become afraid to ruin it... It is actually pretty funny to think about how attached I become to something that is so abstract when creating it. 

I had begun looking thru photos I had taken to find inspiration or poses that I might like to create and sketch/ paint into the painting.... and somehow - I guess from watching those old vids of other peoples artwork - I decided to do a stencil. I was just practicing - to see how it worked and how it would come out. I had seen recently some really cool stencils... I made one and had to use auto primer - since it was the only "spray" paint I had... hahaha ... But I really loved it! I have began work on a few more - and have been seeing about painting within the stencil in some away -- kinda bringing all my work together... I'll get some real paint soon, and post some work... but till then.... Here is the stencil I was working on - It is on a cardboard box that I use to work on... but I love how THAT effected the outcome.... I'll get better as I go along.  -- More to come soon! =) 

Do not copy or use any of the images here or herein without written consent. © Copyright 2003-2010 Le Storia Arts. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Paintings

Soooo I am still trying to figure out the look and feel that I want.... But I have been trying to juggle collage (paper, found objects) dripping- running layers of paint - a bit of abstraction and then loose sketching... I LOVE the layers of paint... I always find small sections of a whole pice that I just love the look and feel and visual texture - but just lil random areas in it -- So I am still working on making a look that I like and I can repeat as a style... still trying different things out.... But here are a few of the pieces that I have been working on... 

This piece below will be sketched on and then painted over the layers - so It is still a work in progress....

Do not copy or use any of the images here or herein without written consent. © Copyright 2003-2010 Le Storia Arts. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dumpster Diving and Up Cycling

For sometime now, I have been collecting some "junk" from stuff that people have thrown out - Furniture, drawers, whatever can fit in my car! hahaha... The other day I drove a few blocks down side streets with  a large piece sticking out my OPEN back door... =) It just wouldn't fit, but I wanted it! HAHAHA... Some of what I have found are for things that I am working on and other things are for people to use at the LA Municipal Art Gallery, in the "Actions, Conversations - Intersections Exhibition. 

I was really excited last night - I have found a tall lamp stand that has a glass top and my mom has a lamp stand that the glass broke. So it is DIFFERENT then the old glass but I was able to fit it on! The rest of the lamp I will see about using later to make a light box artwork piece I have thought about.... But that will be another day! The base and pole of the stand would make a great stand for some other .... maybe sculpture piece?! In the image above you can see the stand that I took the glass off of and in the image below you can see it on the top of my moms light stand! 

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Actions Conversations & Intersections

I have an upcoming project in this show.  -- We will be working on up cycling furniture and other found objects that are left out on the streets. I'll see about posting some of the stuff that I have found or up cycled - in the next few days. 

We will be giving a demo of some of our work and have found objects and furniture for the public to work with - On Feb. 28th (And on Feb. 27th it will focus on up cycling clothing) Hope you can join! 

Use What You Got!

In the past few weeks I have been looking for a new way of doing the artwork I want to create... and then I decided that it is important to use up the things that "I have" VS continuing to STORE these different things that I find or buy or have been bought for me....   I seem to acquire art supplies or stuff that I have partly used but then I have "left overs" or art supplies that I might "someday" use. I think that I just want to see about USING them... taking what i have and making something of it VS wanting something that I don't have and struggling to create something without it... 

Part of this is just for me to appreciate the things that I have and use them!!! I am ALWAYS thinking about how I might need them or want them for this or that down the road... but I am really trying to take advantage of what I HAVE - put it to whatever use I can in the here and NOW!  And so far it has been kinda cool... because I feel like I am CLEANING my storage space in some ways and in others it is just nice to have a change of focus... not to be focusing on SAVING for when i might NEED it...(like NORMAL) but putting it to SOME use - ANY use now and not feeling BAD about how I might WASTE it on some art piece that I might not like later... or might ruin. 

That is ALWAYS a hard thing for me!!! Because if I am going to make something then I like to know what it is going to be like and IF I can do it BEFORE I ever start.... and ONCE I do start then if it changes then OK... but I just have a big hang up about not wasting my materials or time in doing something... I just like it done the way I DESIRE or see it in my minds eye! .... or I am fine with waiting till it can be... SO I guess I am trying to change that somewhat .... and live in the today some. 

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hummingbird Nest

I always love watching hummingbirds - and a few years back I found a lil hummingbird nest on one of our chimes in the backyard. The nest had a lil egg inside of it but then I am not sure what happened to the nest. Recently I have seen so many hummingbirds and have wanted to see another nest -- and within a few days from then....  I found one! It is in my front yard - Here's a pic of it sitting on it's lil nest! (click for full image.)
Do not copy or use any of the images here or herein without written consent. © Copyright 2003-2010 Le Storia Arts. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Photog/ Model Meet & Greet

Had a cool time down in Fullerton tonight - There was a nice turn out of close to 100 photographers and models hanging out and having dinner for a lil meet and greet. 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Artist vs Art

So... I have been checking out a bunch of other artists online and watching so many vids and learning about so many new things - That I just have been feeling a lil bit overwhelmed by it all. 

I have been looking for a new way of making the artwork I want and trying a few things. I just have been feeling a lil overpowered by all the ideas and work that I want to make but then can't seem to figure out how to make it look the way I want... and so I feel like I am loosing this fight with the artwork. Some days it is good and "we" are getting along seeing eye to eye and others - nothing I do is good enough -HAHAHA... I feel like I am learning more and will be able to incorporate these different lil things... but in looking in my minds eye of the IDEA of this new finished work.... I just don't see how to put all these PARTS and IDEAS together into ONE finished piece that isn't going to look or feel too busy. So it has been really hard to feel like I am making progress... 

I was getting really frustrated and DOWN about it.... but then it hit me that THIS struggle is the ART of what I am creating... It is the dialog between me and the artwork... It is the process and the creative aspect that I love in the design of what I create. When I remembered that then it made it not as hard.... even a lil encouraging... but just a LIL encouraging!  - hahaha

Sunset from store parking lot =)

Do not copy or use any of the images here or herein without written consent. © Copyright 2003-2010 Le Storia Arts. All Rights Reserved

Monday, February 1, 2010


I have ran into a lil problem with the assemblage work... I don't know what I want to do about the background or what to mount them on... ???? Originally I was planning on doing some light painting or collage on the background. But I am now not sure about it... I don't want to distract from the image the pieces are making themselves... and I kinda like the simplicity and the individual aspects of the parts that are making up the whole.  So it makes me uneasy about what kinda of background/ design they rest on.  

So while I have been considering these things and thinking thru them... I have also been considering ONE of three classes: relief/ intagio or screen printing / a few other types of printmaking OR an alternative photography class.... SO... I have been watching these youtube videos on these different types of things that the classes will each offer... It has been very helpful - some of the vids give you great detail and I am able to see EXACTLY what the finished work will look like or things I have/ will need to use.  All of which is great info! (BUT has stirred up more interests and desires to attempt - hahaha ) Plus I began to expand on the types of vids that I was watching - many lil tricks that OTHER people have attempted... so like how to use glue to make a crackled look with paint, or photo-transfers, and just a bunch more. Some of which I have been experimenting with just to see how it works when I DO it. =)