Monday, February 1, 2010


I have ran into a lil problem with the assemblage work... I don't know what I want to do about the background or what to mount them on... ???? Originally I was planning on doing some light painting or collage on the background. But I am now not sure about it... I don't want to distract from the image the pieces are making themselves... and I kinda like the simplicity and the individual aspects of the parts that are making up the whole.  So it makes me uneasy about what kinda of background/ design they rest on.  

So while I have been considering these things and thinking thru them... I have also been considering ONE of three classes: relief/ intagio or screen printing / a few other types of printmaking OR an alternative photography class.... SO... I have been watching these youtube videos on these different types of things that the classes will each offer... It has been very helpful - some of the vids give you great detail and I am able to see EXACTLY what the finished work will look like or things I have/ will need to use.  All of which is great info! (BUT has stirred up more interests and desires to attempt - hahaha ) Plus I began to expand on the types of vids that I was watching - many lil tricks that OTHER people have attempted... so like how to use glue to make a crackled look with paint, or photo-transfers, and just a bunch more. Some of which I have been experimenting with just to see how it works when I DO it. =) 

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